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Laws and Legislations
Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 32 of 2016 to Issue the Executive Regulations of the Human Resources Law (Arabic version)
Decree of the Minister of Finance No. (26) for the Year 2015 to Establish Sections in the Administrative Units that Comprise the General Authority for Retirement and Social Insurance (Arabic version)
Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (27) for the Year 2007 After Amendments (Arabic version)
Amiri Decree No. (32) for the Year 2011 Establishing a Committee to Invest Funds of Civil and Military Pension Funds (Arabic version)
Emiri Decree No. 50 of 2011 to Increase Salaries, Social Allowances and Pensions for Qatari Civil and Military Employees and Retirees (Arabic version)
Emiri Decree No. 45 of 2006 Increasing Pensions and Pensions After the Amendment (Arabic version)
Emiri Decree No. 38 of 2014 Regulating the General Authority for Retirement and Social Insurance (Arabic version)
Law No. 14 of 2004 Amending the Labor Law After the Amendment (Arabic version)
Executive Regulations of Law 15 of 2016 Civil Human Resources (Arabic version)
Law 4 of 2007 Extending Insurance Protection (Arabic version)
Laws and Legislations